Pet Care Services in NW San Antonio, TX

Pet Transport

K-9 Nannies of San Antonio provides safe pet transport to where your pet needs to be.

K-9 Nannies of San Antonio

If your pet has be at the veterinarian or the groomer, we can transport them to and from their appointment. Don’t take time off of work! Let us get them to where they need to be. We travel using crates (for small and medium size dogs) and seat belts (for larger dogs). To use the seat belts, pet owners must provide a harness for attachment.

To arrange for your pet’s transport, please submit our SCHEDULE SERVICE form and we will be in touch. Thank you!


Fees: $40 per hour. Rates are negotiable for areas outside the primary service area.

Payments: Services must be prepaid in full at time of scheduling. Payment accepted with cash, check, or through our Time to Pet Client Portal.